Join Us

Why should you work for us?

Our company will be a good fit to all:

  • Veteran Friendly

  • Great Training

  • Career Advancement

  • Flexible Schedules

We are excited to give you the opportunity to grow and build with a great company. We always put your safety and security first. With over 25 years of experience and professionalism our team is here to provide you with the best training for you to become an outstanding officer.

Here at OGSS we treat our employees like family. You will never feel as though you are just another body filling a post. We take pride in listening to your concerns and request in order to make this a better work environment. If ever in need of extra guidance we are always here to support you. We offer insurance for all our full and part time employees after 90 days.

Welcoming New Security Professionals

Located at 10935 Estate Ln. Suite 362 Dallas, Texas 75238

  • Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  • Saturday Special Hours 9a.m. to 1p.m.

  • Customer service: 1 (877) 464 -7748

  • Office: (972) 761- 5076